

Japanese candlesticks are formed using the open, high, low, and close of the chosen time frame. *If the close is above the open, the candlestick is bullish which means that the market is risingin this period of time. Bullish candlesticks are always displayed as white candlesticks.*If the close is below…

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A GUIDE FOR BEGINNERS .The above continuation patterns are the bull and the bear flag..These patterns are spotted in a bullish or bearish trend, forming the corrective phase in a trending market..They are called flags because the pattern resembles a flag on a pole.. These patterns outline impulsive price movements…

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A beginners guide 2022 Forex is one of the most traded markets in the world and is also known as foreign exchange or currency trading. In forex trading, traders hope to generate a profit by speculating on the value of one currency compared to another. This is why currencies are…

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5 Most Influential Companies under Nasdaq100

Nasdaq100 is one of the most growth indices in the world. Above are some of the top companies on the Nasdaq100 index 2022. The majority of the most influential companies listed on the Nasdaq100 operate in the tech sector. That is why when we trade Nasdaq100, we focused on the…

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how to create a Trading Plan

How to create a Profitable Trading Plan?

What is a Trading Plan? Many Forex Traders underestimate the power of a successful Trading Plan. They think a Trading Plan do not make any difference when it comes to Trading Forex consistently.Only a few of Day and Night Forex students trade with a Trading Plan and you can see…

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